The manager of the landscape park performs a wide range of functions and tasks, which all intertwine with the roles of other subjects concerned, from the state, the local self-governing community, the population of the immediate local community and the visitors, to the entire segment of institutionalised economic interests, from tourism to agriculture. Since the main founding purpose of the park is the protection of nature, all the activities are designed and carried out in accordance with this objective.
A national public institute, Landscape Park Strunjan has a general institutional form. Even the specific provisions from the field of nature protection only marginally affect the park’s operation, only the representation of local communities in the council of the institute is regulated separately. The tasks of the manager of the protected area and the public service of nature conservation in the protected area are defined by the Nature Conservation Act. This concrete legal framework is of vital importance and the manager has to adhere to it “in the good and the bad,” for only with consistency and transparency is it possible to implement even unpopular restrictive measures, which are often unavoidable in the pursuit of preserving biodiversity.
In the case of Strunjan, the situation is all the more symptomatic, for although the protected area has existed de iure for two decades already, the measures concerning it have long been applied inconsistently, and especially without a system of stimulating those residents who have actively protected the park since its establishment.
The history of regulating the protection of the Strunjan Peninsula is quite interesting. In the late ‘60s and early ’70, there formed a proposal (first presented at the symposium “Environmental Protection in Slovenia” held in Bled) to establish a nature reserve which would comprise the extreme part of Cape Strunjan, the western half of the seashore in the Bay of St. Cross and the corresponding belt of coastal waters, the lagoon of the Strunjan Peninsula, the local salt-pan reserve, a dolphinarium, the arboretum near Villa Tartini, a sea aquarium and a University Research Centre.
The project proposed never materialized, but in the mid-80s, at the suggestion of the then Intermunicipal Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage, the Strunjan Peninsula was designated in the spatial planning documents as an area featuring a typical landscape and elements of natural and cultural heritage. In 1990, the municipalities of Izola and Piran passed an ordinance establishing in this location Landscape Park Strunjan, and ten years later, with the adoption of the Nature Conservation Act, the latter was declared an area of national importance. In 2004, the Regulation on the Landscape Park Strunjan delimited the boundaries of the park, specifying the related protection arrangements, as well as the system of management and supervision.
As the Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan is now past its constitutive phase, its activity is perfectly comparable to that of other landscape or nature parks in general. For a successful management of a natural area with state-level protection, as the experience of other managers in Slovenia and abroad show, it is necessary to ensure two interdependent basic activities: supervision and investment.
Supervision in its broadest sense: from the concrete supervision and monitoring performed by the very manager of the protected area, the activities of inspection agencies, judicial protection of nature and the environment, and the supervision of the spatial-planning sector, to the “self-supervision” -i.e., the mindset of the residents, the visitors and the society as a whole. All this is directly reflected in the protected area.
Investment as a constitutive part of management activities is focussed on the basic infrastructure, which is a sort of “ID card” that enables the park to be recognised as a protected area. All major investment projects are co-financed by EU funds.
Registered office:
Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan
Strunjan 152
6320 Portorož
Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan
Strunjan 152
6320 Portorož
Reg. No.: 3452085000
TIN: SI33414009
Marko Starman, MSc, director. Phone: 08/2051881, e-mail:
Samanta Makovac, Senior Nature Conservation Adviser. Phone: 08/2051882, e-mail:
Brina Knez, Nature Conservation Officer I. Phone: 08/2051880, e-mail:
Luka Kastelic, Nature Conservation Officer II. Phone. 08/2051883, e-mail:
Alenka Popić, Nature Conservation Officer II. E-mail:
Petra Škrinjar, Nature Conservation Officer II. Phone: 08/2051882, e-mail:
Sara Cernich, Nature Conservation Associate III. Phone: +386 51 457 457, e-mail:
Marjana Tomažič, Nature Conservation Associate III. Phone: +386 51 457 457, e-mail:
Luka Preložnik, Nature Conservation Associate III. Phone: +386 51 457 457, e-mail:
Responsible person (director): Marko Starman, MSc
Information on the processing and protection of personal data
Management plan
We believe that the inhabitants of the area, the visitors and all of us connected with Landscape Park Strunjan can appreciate its significant role in the preservation of Slovene natural and cultural heritage, the protection of which critically relies on sensible management and cooperation between all participants and subjects concerned.
The Management Plan thus represents the most important document for the park. It is drafted by its manager with the help of and in cooperation with other subjects from the “area of influence” in question, and adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Since it coordinates and integrates all other plans, strategies and measures in use within the confines of the park, no influential decision with regard to the area under protection can be made bypassing the management plan referring to it. The document should promote coherent performance, monitoring and evaluation of activities inside a wider group of partners and interested parties, creating a framework within which it would be possible to set out the principles of management and development of the park.
The plan has to comply with Slovene and international legislation, as well as with conventions and guidelines of renowned international nature protection organisations. Landscape Park Strunjan requires a 10-year management plan consistent with the long-term vision of the park. Since the area is an extraordinary interlacing of nature and traditional activities of the residents, the management will focus primarily on the preservation and strengthening of this bond. Through a sensible interpretation of the local natural and cultural features, the manager will raise awareness of their significance and the need to preserve them in the future, as well.
For the time being, the 10-year management plan for Landscape Park Strunjan is still in preparation. Pending the adoption of the plan, the park is managed following the guidelines and principles defined in the Provisional Management Guidelines for Landscape Park Strunjan.
Council of the Institute
The Council of the Institute is composed by:
- Igor Karlić, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Chairman,
- Robert Turk, Municipality of Izola, Deputy Chairman,
- dr. Branka Tavzes, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Member,
- Maks Filipčič, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Member,
- Ernest Margon, Ministry of Culture, Member,
- Tomaž Primožič, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Member,
- Anže Igličar, Municipality of Piran, Member,
- Ingrid Maraspin Šuber, Municipality of Piran, Member,
- Brina Knez, Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan, Member.
The Scientific Council of the Institute is composed by:
- Tina Centrih Genov, Chairman,
- Samanta Makovac, Member,
- Daniela Tomšič, Member,
- Luka Kastelic, Member.
Responsible person (director): Marko Starman, MSc
All the documents below are available in Slovene only:
Statut Krajinakega parka Strunjan_NPB
Procedures Manual
Poslovnik Javnega zavoda Krajinski park Strunjan
Priloga – obrazec zahtevka 27.a člen
Pravilnik o splošnih pogojih zaposlovanja in o delovnih razmerjih (2)
Uredba o Krajinskem parku Strunjan
Interim management guidelines for the Public Institute Landscape Park Strunjan (JZ KPS)
Začasne upravljavske smernice za Krajinski park Strunjan